It’s Time for Fall Cleaning!
I love the change in seasons. I moved to Florida when I was 20-years-old, and lived there for fifteen years. We lived in northwestern Florida, so winter came — and by that I meant that during the month of February, it would get cold. But there was nothing as far as a change of four traditional seasons.
When we moved to Kentucky, I was so excited. We have four seasons here! We moved to Kentucky in July, and this is my sixth year watching the seasons come and go, and I look forward to the change with great anticipation.
As summer ends and the mornings cool, the leaves change colors and school routines fall in place, my mind turns to…
seasonal housekeeping!
At the turn of every season, I perform the following tasks:
- replace baking soda in refrigerator and freezer
- clean the inside of the refrigerator
- clean the oven
- wipe down the kitchen ceiling
- clean out the kitchen pantry cupboard, reorganize and restock
- empty the kitchen cabinets and clean the shelves
- empty and reorganize the kitchen drawers
- clean and reorganize the pantry (my pantry is a separate room from the kitchen)
- shampoo furniture and carpets
- turn mattresses
- launder or replace pillows
- clean out toy boxes/rotate toys
Specifically for the seasonal change to Autumn, I also:
- remove the air conditioning units from the upstairs bedrooms and wash those windows
- replace the lightweight bedding in the upstairs bedrooms with heavy, warm bedding
- pull the space heaters out of storage and inspect them, have them in the upstairs closet ready for the cold night in the kids’ rooms (the central heat just isn’t very efficient upstairs)
- Wash the windows from the outside
- clean gutters
I love autumn. I love the stocked pantry shelves from the summer’s harvest. I love the smells in the air and the oranges and yellows. I love apple pie and butternut squash. It is a very inspiring time of year for the kitchen – a time for bolder flavors and stronger spices that summer doesn’t really call for.
I pray that you have a blessed season as the summer closes.
I’m so grateful for your visit, today.
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I love fall too. I live in Texas so we have to enjoy what little cool weather we get.
I am so tired of the heat. I started fall-cleaning in August just to give me hope that cooler weather was coming. lol! Also, when it does turn cool, I can go out and enjoy it!
Fall colors are so pretty. I love to decorate with them.