Encouraging Prayer
Friday, I posted this on my Hallee the Homemaker Facebook page:
My washing machine died, my laptop crashed, my gps went missing, Gregg has National Guard this weekend – which is also my book signing weekend for Topaz Heat, and I have to enroll Scott into public school on Monday.
I’m kinda done. If it wasn’t 10AM, I’d be considering red wine and dark chocolate. But, since it’s 10AM, I’m drinking a strawberry smoothie and prepping to go to the laundromat.
I did it moderately tongue-in-cheek, partially mocking myself, partially complaining. I expected some similarly toned replies. Instead, among many wonderful and encouraging comments, I got these:
I know God will never give me more than I can handle, but sometimes I wish He didn’t have so much faith in me. :) Praying for you, Hallee!
Hoping/ praying that your day and weekend will get better
Hope you get some peaceful God-filled moments in the midst of your day. ♥
I’ll pray for you, hope you will get some positive news soon
Mountains…… Move!! Prayers your way Hallee!!
Can I just say…WOW. What encouragement, to know that so many people lifted me up in prayer at one time.
Thank you. And, I want to add, if you say a prayer for someone, let them know. You would be surprised what a simple, “Prayed for you today,” will do, or how God may use that to work at the most perfect time.
And, in the meantime, we got Scott settled into his new classroom this morning. The teacher prayed with us over him before we left the class – which was wonderful and very peace-giving. I’ve dusted off Kaylee’s laptop and am trying to recover documents to get back blogging and writing regularly.
I’m so grateful for your visit, today.
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