Freezing Sweet Peppers

My garden is exploding with sweet peppers now.  I’m getting all different colors – orange, purple, green.  I can’t pick them fast enough.

The easiest way I’ve found to preserve them is to simply freeze them.  The problem is, though, that they’re full of liquid.  So, if you sliced them and tossed them into a freezer bag, what you’ll end up with is a big frozen ball of peppers all stuck together.

The trick is to slice them and lay them out on a flat surface then freeze them overnight.  Once they are frozen solid, you can put them in a freezer bag and they’ll stay separated.  Then all you have to do is to pull them out as you use them.

Line your pans with waxed paper.  This will keep the peppers from freezing to the pan.

Wash your peppers really well.

Cut the tops off.

Scoop out the seeds and remove the loose membranes.

Slice however you want.  My mom would slice some and dice some.  I always just slice – if I want diced, I’ll do it at the time I’m using the pepper.

Lay flat on the waxed paper-lined pan.  Place in the freezer and freeze until solid – several hours or over night.

When they come out of the freezer, move fast – bag them before they start to thaw.

They should keep for several months.

When they thaw, they will be very limp and watery, but the flavor will be just fine.  They’re great for use in cooked dishes.



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