Pumpkin Rolls?

photo credit: sometastyrecipes.blogspot.com

So, I spent most of my adult life in Florida – a place that might as well be its own country it’s so removed from many traditional things I’ve heard of in other parts of the country.  I’m sure that has something to do with the lack of seasons.  Prior to Florida, I was an Army brat who lived on post – another way that local customs and traditions get diluted.

This summer, I worked a bake sale for our family’s youth camp, Glen Eden.  At the bake sale, we had no less than 20 requests for pumpkin rolls.  I had no idea what a pumpkin roll was, and kept hearing how you couldn’t find pumpkin rolls last year because of something with the pumpkin crops.

It was in the back of my mind to look them up, but then I got distracted with life and never thought of it again – until October hit.  Now, everywhere I turn, I hear people talking about pumpkin rolls!  Pumpkin rolls!  It’s pumpkin roll season!

This morning, looking through my Whole Foods circular, I noticed pumpkin rolls on sale – from $16.99.  Honestly, $17 seems a little steep for a baked item.  So, now my curiosity is definitely piqued.

Do you have a “THIS-IS-THE-BEST-PUMPKIN-ROLL-RECIPE-EVER!” recipe?  Any pumpkin roll stories to share? What makes them so good that people ask for them in June?  I’m really interested in this.  I love traditional, seasonal things.


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