It is hard to find a good bean recipe that doesn’t contain pork of any kind. Even buying canned beans, you have to read the label carefully to make sure that it’s pork-free. It’s nice to find a slow cooked bean recipe that is just beans and seasoning.
Pin ItMonth: October 2010
This is week 3 of my 21-Day Daniel Fast. My blog post about that can be found here, but basically, it’s vegan extreme – and I’m throwing in my own personal restriction to unleavened bread only. After a really rough first week, fast is going great for me, as I explained in my update about it here. Although, I’ll admit to looking forward to the end of the fast.
Pin ItGregg and I rarely fight. I’m very passive, and he and I pretty much agree on most things, so there isn’t a lot left to fight about. We’ve had our moments, and our marriage had a really rough year at one point, but for the most part, there has been little fighting.
Pin ItI haven’t had a chance to eat this yet. Since I’m doing a Daniel Fast, I can’t eat the sugar. But, I made this for the volunteers on Tuesday night and it received rave reviews. I managed to save Kaylee a serving, and she said that it was “Amazing!”
Pin ItMonday there was no package waiting. Tuesday came and went with no package. Gregg sent me an email Wednesday titled, “Finally!” with the tracking number and information that it would be delivered on Friday. I have been SOOOO curious as to what was coming. Gregg has never been good about keeping a surprise secret for very long, and as far as I could tell, he had dropped no hints whatsoever.