Month: August 2010

365 Days Ago

I love this blog. I love that the one-year-anniversary-giveaway has over 600 comments. I love that there is a steady number of you who have been with me from the very first post and who still read me every day. I love that people do searches for “Hallee the Homemaker” because someone has told them about this site. I love that God has allowed me this opportunity to meet so many wonderful people, to do Bible studies, to have debates and disagreements, to have conversations, to share recipes and stories from life, to pray for each other.


Menu Wednesday 02 August 2010

We are currently out of town visiting Birmingham, Alabama, so that my husband can fulfill his military obligations with the Alabama National Guard. We’re in a 2-bedroom hotel suite with a full kitchen, but there is no oven so I’m a little handicapped there. I also didn’t pack pots and pans, because a phone call to the hotel assured me that they had them there. What I have is one frying pan and one large pot. There is also 2 microwave “pots”, but I don’t know how to cook with those. Wandering the hotel grounds, I did find two gas grills out behind the pool. I’m going to inquire today to see if I can use those – which will aid tremendously in the quality of the meals.


Hug Me! I’m Organic!

In other words, it may pay in health benefits to buy Organic peaches, but you get almost no benefit from paying extra for Organic bananas. And, seriously, what kind of “health” benefit are you reaping by eating cotton candy, whether it’s made from Organic processed sugar or non-Organic processed sugar?


IV’s, Buckle Fractures, & Vacation

Poor Jeb was in such pain that they gave him an IV and a shot of Morphine. That eased the pain enough to allow him to play cars with Scott. There’s hardly anything worse than holding down your 2-year-old while two strangers put an IV in him. I know. I’ve had to do it to all three of my kids right around that age.


Creation: Darwinian Evolutionary Frauds Pt. VI

Citing Neanderthal as a transitional form between ape and man? The fact is that so called “Neanderthals” were 100% human beings, as human as you or I, who happened to have various perfectly explainable health conditions. Painting them as half-man/half-apes, or a “separately evolved” race of hominids is simply unsubstantiated, misleading, and fraudulent.

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