Month: July 2010

A Prayer by a Founding Father

George Washington wrote a letter to the governors of the 13 states on the occasion of his retirement from the command of the Continental Army and his removal from public life. In the letter, Washington said that he wanted the governors to convey his words to their legislatures and that he hoped it would be regarded as coming from someone who always wished to be useful to his country, and who, in the shade of retirement, would not fail to “implore divine benediction upon it.”


The Power of a Praying Wife – Chapter 6: His Temptation

Men are visual creatures. And we live in an extremely visual world. From swimsuit models pedaling beer to shiny sports car commercials, we are bombarded visually on a constant basis. You can barely even read a website without your peripheral vision being attacked with ads that flash, scroll, bleep, bloop. I was on a website recently trying to read a long line of text and an ad in the sidebar was so annoying that I had to open another window and put it in front of the one I was reading to block the ad.


And the Winner Is…

I really enjoyed teaming up with Cathy’s Creations for this giveaway. She donated this beautiful bracelet, and Hallee the Homemaker threw in one of her charms. We had 118 entries. Using, the winner is:


Out with the Old…

The calendar I have hanging on my refrigerator is an academic year calendar, which means that it runs from July through June. The only reason for this is because we closed on and moved into our house on July 2nd. By June, I’m antsy to start putting together a new one.


The Garden – Week 8

Up until now, the garden has just been in a maintenance state. Water it, weed it, and let it do its own thing. From now forward, though, it’s going to be something that I have to stay on top of. Another couple of weeks and I will just kind of keep my house in a maintenance mode and focus my energies on harvesting and preserving. The kids and I will start spending a whole lot more time outside and then in the kitchen.

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