Month: June 2010

Security Bwanket

Now, wherever we go, so goes Wightning. And Scott replays the movie as he races Lightning over the backs of chairs in the dentist office waiting room, his car seat arms, the back of the couch, his bed, his stroller frame, the slide at the park. He is never without Wightning unless we’re at the table (“No cars at the table, here, Mommy,”) or in the bath, (“Wightning will get ruined in the bath, here, Mommy.”). The only time he wakes up in the middle of the night anymore is when it falls out of his hand. I’ve spent many a 3AM pulling the fallen car out from behind Scott’s bed or digging it out from under his pillow.


The Best Husband on the Planet

So, a couple of weeks ago, he told me that he mailed me a box and he couldn’t wait for me to get it. (For you new visitors to my blog, Gregg is in Afghanistan.) He just doesn’t have time or opportunity to mail a lot of boxes, so I was excited. For him to have purchased something for me, and be able to work time into his schedule to actually mail it was very intriguing. When I got the box today, it was very small, and my anticipation of what was inside was further piqued.


Menu Monday 07 June 2010

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of June 7th. This week is Vacation Bible School at my church! I love VBS week, and so do my kids. I’m working in the kitchen for the week, and we’re having hot dogs and chili for all of the workers for VBS every night before it starts so that they don’t have to worry about meals.

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The Power of a Praying Wife: Chapter 4 – His Sexuality

I don’t know that we as women give the differences in men and women’s brains and thinking enough credit. We feel. We feel deeply. When your husband writes you a love letter, it likely fills your heart to overflowing. His words likely awaken a romanticism inside of you, make you go all soft and gushy inside, give you words to focus on, ponder, adore. It can make you fall in love with him all over again.

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The Garden – Week 4

I was sick 5 out of the last 7 days. My lawn needs to be mowed, and my garden seriously needs to be weeded. But, because I’m a stickler for a schedule, I’m posting this week’s pics anyway. I pray I have the time and energy to get the weeds under control in the next week.


Decadent Cookies & Cream Cupcakes

My friend Heather at Out of the Box into the Kitchen posted the link for this recipe on her Facebook. I’d been looking for something fun and new to take to a church party, and the pictures were so amazing and so appealing that, despite my aversion to packaged cookies, made me want to make them. I found organic chocolate sandwich cookies and felt moderately better about the recipe — but enjoyed the flavor despite the processed product in it. (HA!) So, I’m not going to fool you into thinking there’s anything moderately good for you about these. I did use organic eggs and organic cookies — that’s the best I can give you. But, oh my, they were good. Very rich, but very good.

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A Public Service Announcement

Now that more and more households are dropping a “land line” or “house phone” from their budgets and handing all of the people, including the children, in their family a cell phone, it occurred to me the other day that an entire generation of kids are coming up with absolutely no telephone skills to speak of.

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