How to Fold a Fitted Sheet
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Can I be you when I grow up?
Or maybe just hire you?
That was an AWESOME vlog! You were well spoken, informative, and beautiful!
Thanks for explaining this to me – I never knew this!!
ps my linen closet says to thank you also!
You always make me feel good about myself. Thank you.
Hi Hallee,
May I repost on my blog with a link to you and giving you credit?
Email me back if its okay.
Awesome tutorial!! That is exactly how my mom taught me how to fold fitted sheets years ago…I never understood how anyone could fold them any other way!!
Yes – of course you can. Thank you!
I am glad to have the way I was taught confirmed as the ‘right’ way! Thanks! Your VLOG was great! You sounded and looked wonderful. Congrats on your first one…I hope to see more soon!
you are my idol…I’m going to wow my husband……then I’ll give you credit after he notices the linen closet…pile in the bottom begone! Sigh, at least I can bake I guess…laundry is not a strong point…LOL
Wow – I just reposted this on Facebook. I never knew the “right” way to fold a fitted sheet. Thanks for helping me get my linen closet in order!
Thank you sooooo much for posting this!!! Mine have always been wadded up because I didn’t know what else to do with them :P Yay now they can be done right!!!
wow! that was easier than i thought it would be! thanks so much!
Hallee – You did absolutely fabulous in demonstrating. I learned how to by watching a lady in a laundromat many moons ago. Watching you brought back a memory I had forgotten. Early on in our marriage before kids we were asked to babysit the 3 kids I had babysat for years while mom & dad took a 2 week trip to Hawaii. Nancy left a long list of To Do’s daily, weekly, bi weekly. Little did I know after all those years she ironed all her bed sheets, this included even the fitted. And this chore was on the list. Ironing the kids twins were nothing. But when I had to do the ones for the King size bed – that was another story.
That was great Hallee! I never knew how to fold a fitted sheet. I can’t wait to try it out.
The OCD in me is just tickled with the video!! I have a basket waiting at home for me to practice on.
This is GENIUS! Seriously. This is my first time visiting your blog, but I will definitely be back…after I go and fix my messy sheet drawer! :)
Seriously, I am still in awe. Thanks for sharing!
How cool is that? Excellent! I thought my way was pretty good, but your way is much better. I’m going to do it this way from now on!
My mom taught me the first part of that but not the second (folding in thirds). I’ll have to try that part… my method works great on twins but after that it gets tough!
Great job! My mother-in-law taught me to fold this way and to lay the folded pillowcases on top and then wrap the folded flat sheet around the fitted and pillowcases to keep them all together. It works wonderfully!
That is fantastic. Thank you!!!
What a brilliant idea. I will definitely remember that one.
WONDERFUL! You should see my folded fitted sheets… I would call them a mess. LOL
Mom All Day
My method started out the same, but I always tried to do quarters instead of thirds and it never quite worked out. I wonder why I didn’t try other fractional folds?