The Power of a Praying Wife
- By: Hallee
- On:
I’ve had a lot of people wonder if we would need the study guide to do our upcoming The Power of a Praying Wife study starting on May 1st. I received my materials yesterday, and looking through them, I do not think that you need the study guide.
I’ll be utilizing the study guide as well as the leader’s guide to create the original post every Saturday for discussion, so the only benefit that you’ll have with the study guide is to know what kind of questions will be coming.
I haven’t heard from anyone who wants to participate but just can’t afford the book. If that’s you, PLEASE contact me. We’ll get you a book with no problem.
I am REALLY looking forward to this. We’re going to take a chapter a week, so this will be a 30-week study. What is awesome is that if someone jumps in to the middle of the study, all of the posts will still be available and interactive!
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