Blog Award: Stiletto Blog Award
My friend Heather at actingbalanced and couponning101 presented me with this Stiletto Blog Award which you may read about by clicking on the picture or on the link here.
Heather is a great friend and once graced me by being a guest blogger here with words of wisdom about her frugal shopping expertise. I encourage you to check out either of her blogs. She is truly a neat lady and a good friend.
Heather, thank you for the award. Thank you so much.
I am very pleased, honored, and excited to accept this, my fourth blog award. I have to thank my husband, my children, and all my friends for keeping the great ideas coming. But mostly, I have to thank God for His hand on my every day life. He is on the throne and in control and through Him all things are possible.
And now I will pass it on.
Here are the rules for the award:
- Display the Stiletto Badge of Honor! Check
- BRAG ABOUT IT! -write a post about your award. Include the link to this page so everyone will understand what it’s all about! Check
- SAY THANKS! – include a link to the friend who nominated you for the award. Check
- SHARE THE LOVE! -nominate 5-10 blogs that you feel deserve the award. Include links to them in your post -and- leave them a comment to let them know they are nominated. Check
- DO WHAT YOU DO! -keep at it. Keep inspiring and encouraging and sharing your life! We love it and we thank you!!!
And here are my nominees….
- Army Wife 101, because she just looks like the type of woman who can wear these stilettos and pull it off.
- Heather at Out of the Box Into the Kitchen
- Just Me and My Thoughts
- Tales of the Toot (LOVE her!)
- Sidnie at Green Enough for Me, because she was off gallavanting between Europe and USA for a few weeks and I missed her.
Thank you, Heather!
I’m so grateful for your visit, today.
You would bless me if you added me to your

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congrats girlie!