Maple Snow Ice Cream

Maple Snow Ice Cream

Here in Kentucky, we got a couple inches of fresh snowfall last night.  After lunch today, I thought I’d give a try at homemade snow ice cream.  I’d seen it mentioned a few times around the blogging world, but I wanted to make a healthy version without white sugar.  I saw maple syrup used in one of the recipes I read, and thought that would be the perfect flavor to blend with the vanilla and the cream.  It was quite delicious.


1 gallon of fresh snow
1 Tbs pure vanilla extract
¼-½ cup pure maple syrup
¼ cup heavy whipping cream
about ¾ cup half and half (*see note)


large bowl measuring cups/spoons large spoon


Fill a large bowl with snow.

Pour in the vanilla.

Add the syrup (determining how much you use based on how sweet you want it to be).

Stir in the heavy cream.

Add the half-and-half until it’s the consistency of ice cream.


about 1 quart ice cream

Low in sodium
Very high in manganese

The cream freezes when it hits the snow.  Stir it well to get it evenly distributed. The next time I make this, I’m going to infuse the cream with vanilla beans then let it cool before mixing it with the snow.

For an amazing flavor kick, try using Homemade Cinnamon Roll Coffee Creamer in lieu of half and half.


I would love to hear any feedback about this recipe.  Did you make it?  Did you enjoy it?  Did you make any adjustments to it?


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