Christmas Baking Attack Plan – Week #3

I am sorry that we never got back to the Christmas Baking Attack plan.  The flu hit my house and knocked us back for a good week.  I am just this week (and it’s Thursday right now) trying to get some order back and get the household back to functioning.

I did not do my baking — I’ve only baked for two different parties I’ve gone to.  So, without happy little pictures, here is what we would have done with the baking:

Using your platters or baskets that you bought for each person on your gift list, put a few cookies, a few pieces of fudge, some candy — just make a small gift plate.  You don’t need to give a dozen cookies.  I would have placed the Individual Red Velvet Bundt Cakes in the center of the platter then surrounded it with cookies and candies.   If I had done cut out Sugar Cookies, I would have just done four to six designs, then given one of each one.  Five or six pieces of Fudge is plenty.  Three or four pieces of Captain Crunch Candy fills up a portion of a platter.  For the Cranberry Nut Bread and Banana Nut Bread, I balance the platter out with a mini-loaf on either side.

So, fill it however you want to fill it.  Wrap it well in plastic wrap.  I wrap it all the way around and overlap itself, because it’s going to be traveling to people, and if you give it away at church or a party, it’s going to be traveling home with people.

I’ll typically tape a candcane on the top, then a bow, and attach a Christmas card.

Delivering these bring such joy.

I may still get them done.  If I can get my Christmas mailing done, perhaps I’ll refocus on baking.  If I do, I’ll update this post with pictures.  But yesterday was my personal deadline for it, to deliver them during church, and I forced myself to quit worrying about not doing it.

In the meantime, Merry Christmas.  I hope you enjoyed baking and giving the treasures from your kitchen as gifts.


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