Blog Stuff

accounementsI love the Christmas season.  I love the hustle and bustle.  I love having to make the extra effort with cooking and scheduling and everything.  I get annoyed at the people who complain about all of the extra work that comes with the season because our lives are so easy.  We are so blessed in so many ways.  And likely none of us gave birth in a stable, with no running water.  So, no matter what the season throws at me, I’m pretty well off.

All that said, I’m tired.  We had the flu all of last week, and I don’t think I’ve fully recovered yet.  I slept in twice this week, something I just don’t do.  There was an IM on my computer screen this morning, from me to my husband, that said, “too tired to write, going back to bed.”  I don’t even remember writing that.

So, while my boys nap and my girl is at school, and while the bread is rising and hamburger buns are rising and the chocolate M&M bars I made for a church Christmas party are cooling(which I cannot WAIT to post that recipe – these turned out so tremendously awesome), and while a load of laundry waits to be folded, one sits wet in the washer and one sits cooling in the dryer, I’m going to take a break.  I have leftover steak from dinner earlier this week, and I’m going to sit back on the couch, ignore the chores around me, and watch King Arthur.  Because what girl can’t get a little burst of energy after two hours of a sword-wielding Clive Owen?

Oh yeah – Blog Stuff.

I added a Prayer Request page.  You can get to it from the tabs across the top or from here.  Let’s all use it and be a blessing to each other.

Also, there’s a randomly generated letter going out to some of you who have left comments.  I don’t know who will get them and who won’t, but I do know that if you answer it, you will help me improve this blog.  Our readership is growing each day and I want to make sure I keep giving everyone what they’re here for.  Also, if you get it more than once, let me know.  You shouldn’t.  I would hate to be a spamming bother to anyone.

AND, lastly, my husband will be home in 23 days!  He’ll only be here for 3 weeks, but while he’s here, my parents are going to take my kids for a long MLK holiday weekend while he and I go hide out in a hotel room.  If you’re a blogger and would be interested in guest hosting any day from Thursday through Tuesday (Jan. 14-18), please email me.

Happy one week before Christmas!


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