Month: September 2009

Giving God the Effort

I believe God loves the effort of more for Him. I think He wants us to make worship for Him special, remarkable, beautiful, ceremonial. If we can do that without becoming legalistic, if we keep the focus on how we’re worshiping the Alpha and Omega, our Savior, Messiah, Redeemer, and friend, then the effort ought to be nothing but pleasing to God.


Soy – OH BOY!

It is estimated that an infant exclusively fed soy formula receives the estrogen equivalent (based on body weight) of at least 5 birth control pills per day.(14) By contrast, almost no phytoestrogens have been detected in dairy-based infant formula or in human milk, even when the mother consumes soy products.

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Gregg’s Gingerbread Cookie Dough

Traditionally, gingerbread cookies are decorated with white icing and raisins for features, but feel free to let your imagination run wild with other decorations such as red hots, colored sugar sprinkles, gumdrops, etc. Prepared dough will keep in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. This wonderful, versatile dough can not only be used to make gingerbread men, but also other shapes, like gingerbread houses.

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Hallee’s White Chili Recipe

One evening, with company arriving less than three hours from the time that I held four frozen solid pieces of chicken in my hands, I decided that white chili was probably the best route to take. So, I plopped them in the big stock pot, covered them with water and proceeded to make white chili. Though a recipe that I put together on the fly with only the ingredients I had on hand, it really ended up tasting quite good.

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